Sunday School
Fun and creative classes for your child to learn about our faith.

Age Range: 3 to 4 Years
Beulah Land Bible Stories
Sunday School Room 1
Teachers: Amber Martenstein and Diana Durling
Age Range: K5 thru 2nd Grade
Godly Play
Sunday School Room 2
Teachers: Alix Guidry and Connie Jo Williams
Age Range: 3rd thru 5th Grade
Weaving God’s Promises
Activities Room
Teachers: Brenda Hinson
In our two younger classes, we teach the themes of our faith through stories and symbols. Both Beulah Land and Godly Play use techniques that allow the children to see each story as it is told. These stories foster learning through the eyes and ears (of both the mind and the heart).
Weaving God’s Promises for 3rd through 5th grade is an Episcopal curriculum designed to provide children with the basic knowledge of our church teachings of the three elements essential to our faith; Christian education, worship and service.
Sunday School takes place during the 10:00 am service each Sunday, except for the first Sunday of the month. Children will proceed out after the opening collection and will return at the peace.
St. Luke’s Youth
Come and join all the fun and fellowship!
Learning about God and the Episcopal Church can be fun. Most of all, learning to recognize the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives is a joyful experience to last for a lifetime. Youth Group meets after church for 6th through 12th graders. The focus is still on God, but this is a time for lunch and activity. We welcome young people, parent involvement and adult volunteers to the family.